In 2024 our structure for working together as the churches of the City of Whitehorse will mature. This is an exciting development. The notes below explain this and our practices will shift in coming months to reflect this new direction. You will notice changes in our communications, website and overall approach. In practice this will mean a greater focus on how we Network together and a more strategic approach to the work of our formal entity, Whitehorse Churches Care, Ltd. as a vehicle of Care.

Our relationships with one another are the priority. We are committed to walking together in all things, and working together in some things. Our structure enables us to build unity and strengthening collaboration.
Whitehorse Churches Network
Our Purpose
We make a bold commitment to Unity and Collaboration which significantly lightens every church leader’s load and dramatically strengthens each church’s mission impact.
Our Principals
- We work for the well being (shalom, beauty, justice) of the city.
- We celebrate practical diversity and foster relational unity.
- We love and serve one another.
- We make Jesus known (and loved).
- Quote: ‘Walk together in all things, Work together in some things’ Greig Whittaker
- Quote: “All the church to preach all the gospel to all the people, to all the world, all the time.” Archbishop Christopher Prowse. Source
- Scriptures: Jer 29:7, John 17:21, Eph 4:1-6.
The Concept of an Impact Network
A Network brings people together to build relationships across boundaries. It seeks to create a generative space where people interact, think, talk and collaborate in new ways. It is a ‘living-systems’ approach that aims to leverage shared passion and aligned commitment.
[Note: many of these thoughts are from Impact Networks by David Ehrlichman]
CONVENING – A New Way of Coming Together.
In 2024 we will explore a new way of coming together as a network. The format will be more structured and the outcomes much more fruitful. There will be two important Convenings:
- 9:30 – 11:30 am, 9 May 2024
- 9:30 – 11:30 am, 10 October 2024
Three new aspects will help us to collaborate and achieve our purpose.
ONE. A structured agenda, distributed in advance together with appropriate support materials, will prepare us for dialogue and discernment. At each convening we will reflect on projects, new and existing work, and make decisions around our shared mission. We will seek to walk together in all things, and work together in some things.
TWO. We will discern using a system of ‘Consent Based Decision Making’.
When a project is proposed, either a new idea, or a continuing activity, participant churches will be invited to vote by choose from one of the following options:
5—Lead: The proposal serves our network well, and I would like to be one of the leaders in implementing it.
4—Partner: The proposal serves our network well, and I will partner to support the leaders in implementing it.
3—Follow: The proposal may serve our network, but I can’t offer any capacity toward implementation.
2—Concern: I have concerns about the proposal and will be tracking as implementation moves forward.
1—Caution: I have major concerns about the proposal creating harm and would like to discuss further.
0—Oppose: The proposed course of action is outside a range of tolerance and requires changes before any action is taken.
The proposal goes forward as outlined if there are only 2s and above. If there are 0s or 1s, options include having real-time discussions to resolve objections or scheduling time for the 0s and 1s to meet with the 4s and 5s to resolve issues and find a way to move forward.
THREE. We will provide in person and online options for attending the convenings with a view to having maximum participation. Each church in the Network will be able to have one voting member present and any number of additional church leaders/volunteers in attendance. It will be crucial for each participating church to be in attendance.
Frequently Asked Questions
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What is the difference between the Network and the Care organisation?
Whitehorse Churches network (WCN) is a collective of churches building unity and practical collaboration. The structure is formal but the focus is relational. This gives us a vehicle to support each other and a way to discern the appropriate levels of shared activity.
Whitehorse Churches Care, Ltd. (WCC), is a formal company. Churches in the Network join as members of the company, appoint a board of directors, and hold the work of the Care Organisation in common. This gives us a vehicle for: collaborative care activity focused on the needs in our community, formal relationship with other groups (e.g. City Council), and an avenue for tax deductible giving (where appropriate).
The two entities, while different in formal structure, are two sides of our collaborative commitment as churches in Whitehorse and will serve in tandem.
How is the Network Structured?
There are two Convenings planned for 2024 (9 May, 10 Oct). Each church in Whitehorse is invited to attend with as many leaders and volunteers as they choose (in person and online options for attendance).
Each church will nominate one person as their ‘lead-voice’ to vote when called upon in the meetings. An Agenda and briefing papers will be provided prior to each convening to facilitate the church’s discernment.
The objective is to determine and grow opportunities for collaboration where individual churches have aligned activity and shared passion. In time a variety of collaborations focused on different work will emerge. As churches we do not all need to be doing the same things.
Our monthly Gatherings will continue – breakfast on the first Thursday of each month, and other opportunities to connect as scheduled from time to time. The focus is quality of relationship and mutual support in service to our various local callings.
A Network Newsletter will be introduced later in 2024 as a vehicle for communication and connection.
NOTE: We are following the insights and learnings of other city unity movements, who doing similar work (e.g. North Ryde, UK??). An important book that has shaped the thinking behind these developments is: ‘Impact Networks’ by David Ehrlichman.
Who will lead the Network and the Care Organisation?
The Network belongs to us all. A Core Team, made up of church leaders from Whitehorse will meet periodically to facilitate the Convenings, Gatherings and Newsletters. This group of volunteers will serve at the Networks pleasure and will be appointed/recognised each year.
Whitehorse Churches Care, Ltd. is owned by its members (churches opt in) and governed by a Board of Directors (appointed by the members at the AGM). We want to expand and strengthen the board and we welcome expressions of interest. HERE is a Board Director Position Description.
The Board Members as at March 2024 are:
- Allan
- Tony
- Chris
- Sally
- Mark
The WCC organisation employs an Executive Officer (part-time) to support the Network and to serve the Organisation in fulfilling its constitutional purpose. Our Executive Office is Kerryn Pell.
How will this be funded?
Some grant funding is received. And occasional gifts are made by interested donors.
Gifts in kind are received. Significantly, Church Staff who are seconded to work with the WCN/WCC, church facilities that are made available for our shared activities, and physical materials to enable the work.
Resources & Links
REGISTER HERE for the convenings.
Use THIS TEMPLATE to propose a project for consideration by the network.
Agenda & Briefing Papers for October convening will be available in late August – register above to receive your copy or contact info@whitehorsechurchescare.org.au to request access.